The Path to $10k Months 💾
Where bossy, heart-led service providers, coaches & healers build binge-worthy brands & stack their monthly recurring revenue 🚀
If you're a biz owner with a big ass vision and you're not afraid to claim it..
If you've grown in yourself enough to know ANYTHING is possible with the right mindset & movement 😼‍💹
If you're seeing the bosses making bank online and you KNOW this is meant for you too 😎
And you're ready to put in WORK to build you 6 figure empire
You're In The Right Place
I see you girlfriend, showing up daily for your business but wondering WHY your DM's haven't blown up yet or your launch is floppin'  😖


You know you’re freakin’ bomb at what you do but you know you're still holding back truly SELLING YOURSELF so sales are slow or non-existent 😓
You got into this to change lives but you didn't realise you had to be an accountant, marketer, social media manager and influencer too so you know you've got some biz foundations to lay 😅
And maybe one told you running a business was going to test your confidence like this and you're ready to move through the imposter syndrome, self doubt and fear so you can be BIG and BOLD and shake shit up 😎
 But one thing is for sure... you got that NO MATTER WHAT energy and you're committed to becoming the CEO you need to be to create you 6 figure business & your dream life đŸ”„


You're Speaking' To Me, Let's Go!

I've been there babe 

I started my first business when I was 18. I was SO CONFIDENT. 

I KNEW this was meant for me and giving up wasn't an option.

But I also had no idea what I was doing đŸ€Ł

I fluffed around barely getting clients for a whole year before I finally let a mentor and sales coach help me.

Within 3 months I quit my 2 part time jobs and went on to make 6 figures in my biz đŸ€‘

Years later when I started my second business, a brick-and-mortar gym, I didn't sleep on mentorship.

Even though I got a loan for $50k on equipment and fit outs, I still invested in business and mindset coaching from day one.

With the strategies and support, a year later I was taking 6 week holidays overseas, had staff supporting me, and we were making multi-6 figures.

Mentorship, business strategy and growing my CEO mindset has helped me leap past the start up phase in every business 😎 and now it's your turn.

I need these strategies!

So when I started this business I knew the formula:


I had spent tens of thousands on coaching programs, hundreds of hours studying business strategies and human psychology. I knew what a business took to grow and what me, as a human, needed to feel supported and confident. In just 6 months I had a 6 figure business, a bold ass brand that felt EASY and FUN to run, sold out coaching containers and was living the life we all dream of: free, purposeful and fun. #bestlifelivin’


And now it’s your turn.


You get to skip the painful slow lessons and ride the wave with me. The formula for blowing up your business is simple, but not easy. It’s not just about the strategy, it’s about YOU. Owning who the fk you are, why you’re here and stepping into your power to lead your clients to success! Are you ready to own your impact?


It's Not Just About Building A Business You Love, It's About Building A LIFE You're Obsessed With 😍


I know you’re smart

You can google all night, download every freebie and you will eventually build your biz 😮


But why wait? 

You can embark on this journey alone and lose years like I did: trying to be a hero, telling myself I’ll invest when I’m making more money, trying another free strategy
 or you can learn from my lessons and go all in, FAST 💹 


Let's collapse the timeline

Skip the slow stuff and dive head first into being a boss ass business owner. You'll be confident AF, selling daily with your heart on your sleeve, knowing exactly what to do to fill your programs and your bank account đŸ”„




The Best Life Business Mastermind

Your all-inclusive fast-pass to growing

your business, ya mindset and your best life!

A 6 month group program for passionate, soulful humans who wanna change lives & make bank đŸ€‘đŸ«¶
A space for women who need more structure in their biz but also wanna leave room for the universe to bring a lil magic too ✹
The space where personal brands TAKE OFF 🚀 We zone in on marketing and messaging that make your ideal clients bits tingle and have them messaging "I'm In!!" before you even launch
We lay proven business strategy while also holding space for the human elements of biz like fear, joy, doubt, healing, love, purpose and everything in between đŸ«¶



✔ A 6 month time-bending vortex with your soul sistas to build your dream biz!

✔ 20+ modules on sales, marketing, lead generation, social media, launching, team building and mindset PLUS allll the templates you need to save hours on emails and sales pages

✔ A2x Group Q&A calls each month with Phoebee to customise the strategies to your biz & move tthrough mindset blocks and fears

✔ Feature trainings from Phoebee & Guest Experts to layer on your sales & marketing skills AND your confidence & leadership

✔ Community Slack Chat where you'll get weekly money making activities, goal setting, accountability & Q&A opportunities to consistently expand you and propel you forward

Sign Up Here

😼‍💹😼‍💹😼‍💹 The Vibes 😼‍💹😼‍💹😼‍💹

Your Investment Options


Pay In Full

$2,000 USD

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6 x Payments

$350 USD

Sign Up Here

9 x Payments

$250 USD

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Pay In Full
$3,000 AUD
Sign Up Here
6 x Payments
$500 AUD
Sign Up Here
9 x Payments
$350 AUD
Sign Up Here

How Good It Gets In Here:

This ain't your regular mastermind.

Over the years I have been in all sorts of business coaching programs and they all missed one thing: ME.

They were so focused on the strategy, on just DOING THE THING that they completely skipped over my emotional experience of being a business owner.

You are your business.

Every up and down you experience will show in your business. Thats why you have to learn both: how to regulate and support your emotions AND how to run your biz so it operates on autopilot even on your worst days.

You know how it is: you have a bad week and you don’t post on socials, reply to your emails or keep up with your launch plan.

You have big dreams and create epic offers: then you start to doubt yourself and imposter syndrome tells you to bin the whole thing and start over.

Us business babes NEED support.

You hold it all for everyone else: your clients, your family, your home, your business, but who’s holding you?

BONUS: Sign Up Now To Get 6 Months Access To The Spicy Content Club FREE đŸŒ¶ïž


Monthly Content Prompts & Live Content Planning Call


Monthly Challenges & Focuses To Convert Your Content Into SALES


A Stash Of Past Masterclasses, Templates, & More


The first round of the mastermind SOLD OUT TWICE and we have limited space for round 3.
Save your place now! 


Expect Less:

😱 Long ass trainings that are all fluff no ACTION

😱 Coaches who don’t know your biz or background and only give surface level advice

😱 Pushy bro sales tactics that give you the ICK 

😱 ‘just show up’ intensity that ignores your human experience 

😱 Complex biz advice that leaves you more confused than you started

And Enjoy More:

đŸ„°Â Clear, actionable, step by step strategies and resources to get to WERK immediately

đŸ„° Intimate safe spaces to be messy and lovingly raised to your highest standard

đŸ„° heart led sales & marketing that feel easy, organic and authentic

đŸ„° clear guidance, done-for-you templates and virtual assistant tech support so you’re never stuck

Sounds Dreamy - I Want In!

The Proven Best Life Biz Formula

Know Yourself

You are your personal brand and your energy is the fuel. So let’s get crystal clear on who you are, what you’re here to do and who you want to serve.

Love Yourself

We spend our whole lives trying to fit in but successful business means being SEEN. I'll equip you with the tools, support and strategy to soothe and release your fears so you can step into your limitless, badass self.

Be Yourself

It’s time for big bold action baby. When we know you and you’re free of the fear: we can execute on the structured & proven business strategy that wins every time.

You're Magnetic AF When You BE YOURSELF
So lets build your confidence!

Personal brands are the future 🙌
People wanna buy from REAL PEOPLE đŸ«¶
That means people wanna buy from YOU and your small biz 🙌
But that means they need to know, like & trust you.
That means your curated, ‘what should I post’ content ain’t gonna cut it đŸ™…â€â™€ïž
It means being boldly, authentically, bravely YOU đŸ”„
Your leadership. Your excitement. Your mess. Your courage. Your growth.
Your story. Your fear. Your resilience. Your passion. Your commitment. Your mission.
The people needa see it.
They need to see YOU.
No more hiding đŸ«Ł

It’s time to come outta the shadows and own your place as an authority, a leader,
a bad bish ready to change lives & rock the business game 😎

I’m Ready!!

Frequently Asked Questions

Okay I'm In!

Who is she?

Hi girl hiii,

I’m Phoebee, your soul-seeing biz bestie. I’m obsessed with helping women build the life of their dreams. This work has taught me that we all want the same things at our core: purpose, peace and the freedom to choose our life. I have eyes that see straight into your soul, a heart that celebrates the truth of you, energy that will gas you up anytime you doubt yourself and a brain that turns good ideas into great ones with practicality and structure. I promise to love you, support you, see you
 call you on your bullshit and hold you to your highest standard. I know you’re here for magic and the world needs it - so we won’t fk around holding it back. I can’t wait to share this journey with you and watch your dreams come to life!

It's Time To Go ALL IN On This Killa Mastermind With EVERYTHING You Need To Hit $10k Months & Beyond 🚀



✔ A 6 month time-bending vortex with your soul sistas to build your dream biz!

✔ 20+ modules on sales, marketing, lead generation, social media, launching, team building and mindset PLUS allll the templates you need to save hours on emails and sales pages

✔ A2x Group Q&A calls each month with Phoebee to customise the strategies to your biz & move tthrough mindset blocks and fears

✔ A Virtual Assistant package to build out your social media branding and templates, lead magnet opt-in pages AND a powerful sales page for your primary offer! No more losing hours in the back end of canva or websites trying to DIY!

✔ Community Slack Chat where you'll get weekly money making activities, goal setting, accountability & Q&A opportunities to consistently expand you and propel you forward

Apply now & we can be in action TOMORROW setting your biz up for wild success!
Sign Up Here
How gooooood will life feel when you’re taking home the cash, changing lives and life on your terms? It’s your time babe, lets fucking goooooo đŸ”„