Taking Vacations & Holidays In Business 🏝️ To Work or Not To Work? Realities of The Freedom Based Business

We all want that 'freedom based business' but does it just mean working on holidays? Can we take holidays in the building phase of biz? Should we work on them? We're sharing our insights into working vacays, taking real time off, when we need to suck it up and show up EVEN in another country and when to truly take down time. If you're ready to build your freedom based business, check out our free masterclasses below:

Hannah's SOLD OUT PROGRAMS Masterclass here: https://hannahann.activehosted.com/f/19
Phoebee's NON-NEGOTIABLES for a $30k/m business Masterclass here: https://www.phoebeewalpole.com/offers/xL48BriM