The Fear of Being Seen and How to Stay Consistent on Social Media 🔥
You know you HAVE to show up on socials to grow your biz buuuuuuut you still feel that panic, judge yourself or hold back worrying about allllll those things people might say or if you'll get it wrong or just get stuck on "what the hell do I post"? Today we're answering the big questions: how do we move THROUGH this fear and show up as our big, bold selves? And how do we stay CONSISTENT on social media when we experience all the up's and down's of business, womanhood and our human designs! Join us for this juicy ep! If you're ready to go ALL IN on your business in 2024, grow to 6 figures and beyond in a space that allows for your emotional growth AND business growth, Phoebee's mastermind is for you! We begin February 12, so get your applications in now: